Friday, July 20, 2012

"I am leaving you, you chose her over me!" Mom said.

She listened to my Mother cry behind the door and refused to open it. Playing on Dad's weakness not to punish her, destroying their marriage for the first time, thats my sister, my mother was so hurt by my fathers weakness and choice over her... No empathy, she feels nothing, from what she has done and continues to do to family members. I quess you get older and remember all these things that happened to your parents.

Her daughters, protect her, but fail to know the truth, and continue to empower her. They curse at uncles and aunts, loosing all respect for them, as they protect their mother. They are just like my Dad, manipulated by her. 

I remember all of this because it is so relevant to her behavior even to this day. Nothing has changed.

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Hijo, you know the way she is!"

Family Members,

Another hot day for my mom, none of the poas have returned my emails or phone calls. The heat index will be very high today and all week. The house will retain the heat and humidity as the week continues.. Mom will not complain, she never does. She is made to worry about her money, and told she does not have very much money in the account since she paid for landscape, doll cabinet, dvd recorder, and communion present for her new godson. She does not want to make the poas mad.

The 5000 btu unit in the living room, I bought with Dad before he got sick. The unit in the kitchen I bought used from Aunt Mickey for 75 dollars. I asked the poas for money for a larger btu and they refused. Mom had no money they stated.

I had Doug's heating and AC service over two weeks ago and the poas refused to give me the keys to the house so I could at least get an estimate for a unit.

I hear they are going to put the ramp in the yard, money will go to a family member for that, but when he is not going to make money, they say mom has no money. I really dont know how they sleep at night. They are so conditioned to be cruel.

The AC unit has been a decision they made several years ago, they will not install until they have to sell the house.  They can say its a brand new unit and they will make more on the house. I am sure the realtors have told them that. POA are very efficient in saving and making MONEY.

If you care about my mom, you will give her a call and ask her how she is. She will tell you she is fine and drinking lots of water. If she passes out from the heat and dehydration, the family or fireman CAN NOT get into the house because the poas refuse to give us a key. It has happened twice already. The Head poa is fully aware of the this problem and does nothing. She can tell us where to sit in church but she cant get us a key for the house.

My Dad said to me, "You know the way she is" and I know what he meant. Its her way or the highway.....

Thanks for all your emails...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mommy's Boy looking for a Mommy

So I hear stories of him cuddling up next to my mother, telling her how much he loves her, he wants her to be his madrena for babtism. He has seen the light and no longer worships money but now loves Jesus. He keeps telling my mom "where are your sons?" to make us look bad. He and his wife puts hundreds of pictures all over the house of him and his second wife and kids. From the front door to the patio in the back, all you see is pictures of his second family. No mention of the first family, we dont want to go there.

So I go over to see Mom one morning and I see that he has broken into my Dad's garage. He is looking for something but what? I scare him and tell him what the hell he is doing? He is scared shitless. He starts asking for my mom repeatedly. " Where is mom? Where is Mom? My mom is not his mom, his mom is dead. She mothered him so much, the turned into mash potatoes. He is hoping my mom will mother him like his did. All these years, he could care less how he used my mom and dad, getting every cent he could get. Making them pay for his second marriage, the old father of the bride trick. He used it twice. I told him to get out of my Dads yard and not come back. He ran like a scared rabbit to his car and took off.

I suspect he was looking for a key to get into the house to get to my mother. I am sure of this. I think he does have the key. I know I should have called the police, and I wish I had. I am sure our nosey neighbor saw the whole thing. Both poas have been informed and both have done nothing.

The man is so lonely that he is looking for someone to love him. His wife ignores him, because she perfers the younger crowd. I fear my mother will be hurt. He now has a key to the house.

I know one thing, dont let all her boys and step children know how they are driving the family crazy with hundreds of  pictures of their children, squirrels, birds, and breaking and entering Dads garage, and Mommy's Love. She does not want them to confirm what they already know about them. they are crazy. Thats why they had to move away from them, disown them and change their last names.


I went out to dinner with Mom yesterday and we had a very good time. She mention that she will be getting her ramp soon. I wonder who told them to get it done because it certainly was not in their plans to build and pay for one.

So I have pieced this together, this is how it works, so everyone gets their money without any knowledge of other family members or my mom. It is very important no paper trail is left. It has worked this way for 5 years or 6 years.

First, the local poa asks her personal contractor how much he wants to construct a ramp. He states his amount, say five thousand dollars. She then informs the financial poa how much she needs transferred into the blind account which she has access to. The financial poa takes a little for her troubles and transfers the rest. The local poa who has access to the blind account, withdraws the entire amount, keeping a certain amount for her trouble and gives the rest to her contracter, a close relative. No contract is signed for the work, no permits issued and no receipts are made out. Just the cash turned over. No family members or even mom is told about the payment. We have been told repeatedly that it is not our business, this is private. Also no other contractors are contacted to give a  bid on the job.

Making note, that my Dad have lots of building materials in his garage. Wood, tiles, tools, plywood, and it is all gone now. It has been removed by the two poas. I can pretty much guess where it has gone. Two very good long ladders still exist in the garage and they too will disappear. Like the local poa says to me "She won't miss them".

It will take him, the contractor two months to get the wood over to the house to build the ramp because we have been told he is a busy fellow. When I get I over there, I will notice the wood is third grade or used wood to build the ramp. I make a comment about it to the financial poa and hear nothing back.

I finally see them building the ramp, him and Santiago. The helper will be paid with a six pack. I notice the work is not very good. It will be very near completion and then left unfinished as time goes by. The Shirley Temple and her mommy boy husband will come over to critizize the work, they worked at Deere so they know everything. They will also inspect for any dead squirrels or birds they may have died during the contruction of the ramp. They will look everywhere for receipts that can turn in for credit or items they can steal from the garage.

I call the local poa and ask about the money paid and the unfinished work, she goes into hysterics for asking. Cussing me out til the phone disconnects. She says, "Where were you?, How dare you ask?, All you do is use me? Why didnt I get off my fat  a--- and help them? And the money for the ramp is none of my business. She then hangs up and calls all her family. Crying and having a tequila to calm her nerves.

I call the other poa and she says, "What ramp?", I dont know anything about any ramp. I dont have time for all this. I am too old to be bothered with all this. All of you guys are crazy, I am the only sane one in the family. And I told you, the financial and medical affairs of MY mother is of no concern of yours."

So we have no contract, no receipts, no invoices, no money transfers, no permits and no knowledge of a ramp being built by the son in law of the local poa. Both poas call my Mom and tell her how much I am bothering them, and I have dementia.

My mother is out 5000 dollars and it was all done secretly and everyone learns again to keep their mouth shut or they will riducled like their uncle. She said to me" YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU! at Robert Young. Sorry, I cant do that, my Dad gave me other instructions and those are the ones I follow.

Family members you make up your own minds....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Members:

As we sit in mass for my mother, "she", or should I say "they" will be having the locks changed on my Dads house. Every detail has been planned. She is the self assigned executor and she will display her great power to us. We will never be allowed in again, we can pick up our belongings in the yard. They will be discarded there. A For Sale will be posted the next day, she is so efficient. She will say, "Lets get it over with, its fair, and lets move on."

Novenas for Mom? I dont think so, she no longer believes in the church. She has her wine bottle and she thinks she has Dad's blessing. He said, "hijo, dont let her run all over you" Okay, Dad. I wont.

Let the Family know that my Dads last will and testament were destroyed by her. He wished his house to belong to all the family. He loved us so much.

As some of you sit there and condemn me, know that I am fullfilling my Dads wishes. Would  you do the same?

My Dads Last Wishes

My Dad left his last wishes for the family in his last will and testament. After she obtained it, she destroyed his wishes and made them hers. Even in death, he can not have his way.

Your suffering in life does not even come close to my Dad's suffering. You broke his dreams more than once. Now, you intend on breaking his heart in heaven. What a wonderful daughter you are?

He left a will which states his sons were to administer his home as a place for those who need a place to stay and where we could come together. He wanted to take care of us even in death. My Dad was a  compassionate and loving man, but she does not know him this way. She changed his will to fit her needs because my Dad "was old fashioned" with traditional ways and compassionate ways, completely foreign to her. Selling the house and dividing the money is a much more "fair" way, she says. He does not know what he is talking about, only she knows the best way.

Reinstate my Dad's Will....

Robbing Money from my Mother

Family members:

I have requested financial reports twice from the financial poa and have recieved no replies. It appears robbing money from my mother is a very simple process since they do not have to answer to anyone, especially my mom and any other brother and sister. All transactions are paid in cash, sometimes to other family members, the financial poa states she has no record of it and pleads ignorance, no city permits are issued or receipts, therefore no record. If you ask about the amount of project, you are intimitated by a poa and told it is of no concern to you.

Projects in question for several years:
 1. Two trips Mom made to Alabama, in which she was invited to go but had to pay her own way.
2. Business trip for medical poa to Louisana, Mom was required to go to Alabama. Did she have to pay for her trip?
3. Entire cost of kitchen renovation, and contractor costs? Were permits issued? Was city inspection done?
4. Entire cost of bathroom renovation and contractor costs? Were permits issued? Was city inspection done?
5. Front porch reconstructrion costs, contractor costs? Were permits issued? Was work finished?
6. New sidewalk installed around house and front of house, what were the costs?
7. Landscape work this summer, contractor costs? Family member costs? Materials?
8. Gutters on garage, installation costs, contractor?
9. Back yard walking ramp removal, costs? Purpose of no replacement?
10. Patio carpet installation, installation costs, contractor?
11. New ceiling fans, installation costs, contractor?
12. Reconstruction of moms bedroom wall, installation costs, contractor?
13. Back yard tree removal, costs, tree cutter?
14. Xmas decorations last winter, costs, receipts?
15. Doll cabinet in living room, costs?
16. Dad's bedroom set, costs? receipts?
17. Expensive DVD recorder, costs, receipts?

I estimate almost 20,000 dollars has been used from my moms account and has not been accounted for. To steal money from my mother in this underhanded way is the lowest act you can do. You say you are doing her a favor, how, "setting your own price for the work" and obtaining the money from her account. You do not notify other family members and secretly steal her money. I request again to see a full and complete financial report for five years. I can not believe you have done this to my mom and dad.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"To the Eldest, the one who leads the way?"

Another hot day for mom. She dont complain, its not in her nature and you know that. Remember when, mom, olie, me went down the alley with all your dirty clothes to the landromat in the little red wagon. I dont remember once you helped us, not once. You ignored us, pretend it never happened. You were doing your nails. Mom never complained. Ignoring us with your reasoning "I can't take this" is nothing new to you. It seems you have not changed a bit.

With agencies now involved looking into different matters of moms care, all of this would have been avoided had you had the courtesy to keep us informed and treated us like brothers and sisters, but you never have, never. You can continue to blame us for everything and make your kids believe that, little do they know. But the truth is becoming more evident to everyone.

Our latest trip to the emergency room at Illini, the medical poa showed another display of her power to intimitate the doctor and us. She said again she was only allowed to talk to the doctor, not even mom would be allowed to answer the doctors questions. What exactly are you two hiding from the family? This is the second time she has done this, have you taken care of the matter, have you told her to stop this behavior? You show no hesitation to yell or scold us. I dont get it? You empowered her to do this from the time Dad was sick. I remember when you had my family kicked out of my Dad's house for a party we had for Lyle. Olie said you kicked her out the house and she lived in car for 3 days with Erica, I did not know that. There is no "Dad" in you at all.

You said to me, "you must do what I tell you" do you remember that at the Robert Young Center? and you confronted me when I did not. It was you who started all of this but now you take the back seat and say you have no role in any of this. You can not believe where the medical poa is coming from ? You trained her, remember and she is dumb enough to do what you tell her. She has no sense, only anger, like you. Anger toward all of life.....
For the second time you have plead ignorance about the key for the house. EMTs can not get into the house, keys hidden are removed from the patio. It was you who wanted no one in the house, change the locks while you had Mom taken to Alabama. It was you who started all of this. Will you take the blame when she dies because the EMTs can not get to her? They had to get in through the small kitchen window. Did you know that? Do you know what is like when I heard my mom crying for me and I could not open the door? I assure this will be part of the her eulogy. This will not go unsaid if she dies and we can not reach her because of you and the key.

You should have taken the authority to get mom's central air conditioner in the house for medical reasons but you have failed to do so. So mom suffers. Do you call her daily or do you take the word of the sister you have not forgiven?

You are in control of the money but have allowed others to waste money on dvd recorders, fancy christmas decorations, doll cabinets, etc.

Another winter is coming, there is no ramp and you sit by and do nothing. Are you hoping she will fall coming down those steps? The vent is still covered, should I get a fire marshall over there and have him order the doll cabinet moved? I will do it.

I have requested a financial report twice from you and have not recieved a word from you. You issued one long time ago, making us believe you were in control but it was only a lie. And you wonder why I think you are taking money from mom now? Family members have been paid in cash for work done. How convenient the son in law of the poa? Cash....I thought you objected to that. You held the rest of us to such high standards, but failed to have city permits issued so no record of work will be recorded, no inspections by the city?

There is no slander or harrassment here as you claim, only questions anyone would ask about the care of their mother. You have failed in your position, you have failed dad and mom. If you do not want the position, let the rest of the family decide who it should do it. And certainly not your daughter. It is not your decision. You and your sister were not chosen by our parents as you have claimed to be the poas. You dont own the house, you dont own my dads memory and you dont own mom.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clearing My Dads Name...

I get a message and they want to know exactly what is tearing apart our family. Sister One says there two sides to every story. Yes there certainly is. Here is my side. Remember as you read this, reflect on how you would react and how you would feel because this is what I have and others have gone through since Dad got sick.

Sister one came with books in hand, not believing us that something was wrong with Dad. We did not know. We never had been through anything like this before. She did not believe until Dad got sick at Walgrens and the police had to be called. He went to Robert Young and she voluteered to attend to Dad while most of us c...ould hardly cope with Dad being sick. We heard the work "Dementia" for the first time.

Sister one quickly gained control of the situation, his medical attention. She stated to us that we follow her directions. In the days that followed, we were able to see dad according to the nurses direction. She quickly became enraged because we bypassed her. She came up to my face and told me that I had gone around her. She was upset.

While Dad was in the hospital, Sister one was insistent on finding the copy of the will. Since we were still in good terms, all of us quickly went through his files and found the will. She was delighted that we found it. I did not know her intentions and did not question her. After we found the will, she wanted to kno...w if a power of attorney was mentioned on it. We read the will and none were assigned. After she had the copy in hand, she did not want anything else. All his personal letters and cards, bills, personal items were thrown out in the trash.

I retrived these items in the alley later that day. After this, we had a meeting at sister two house. Power of attorneys were to be assigned as part of the agenda. It was agreed that sister one would take care of the bills of my father, I was asked to be medical and declined. The description was to handle the medical r...ecords for my Dad. Nothing was mentioned about changing the will or empowering the poa with controling authority over the family using techniques of abuse.

I went to visit Mom and said to me "Wait til you find out what your Dad did." I thought what could have he done. To my surprise, sister one was beginning her personal investigation into every matter my father had done. To no ones surprise, he had a personal account for his sister three. She turned my dad kindness into ...something of evil. Because he loved and cared for this sister, she decided to make it something she could defame him with. She convinced Mom that this was a terrible thing Dad had done. She made Mom feel bad about Dad. What kind of low life would do this? Who would take advantage of their sick Dad this way? He had no way to protect himself.

Because of his kindness and love for his daughter, she decided to use this against him. I was devasted what she had done. I bet most of you did not know this. My Dad told me over and over that money meant nothing to me. He loved his family so much. He would sacriface anything for his family. He told me it was his money... and he would spend it the way he wanted to. How would you feel if your sister did this to your sick father? How would you react? I decided to question her about her doings and conduct.

I found out that Mom had made some visits to the lawyers office. She said she did not know what she signed. She just signed it. None in the family were notified of this, it was all done secretively. I was determined to ask her in front of Dad and Mom. On an early morning, I asked her what was going on. What did mom sig...n at the law office? Why did you defame your father and what other investigations are you doing? She quickly became defensive and said it was none of my business. She frightened Mom with her reaction.

In order to intimitate me she picked up the phone and called the police. She said "there is a disturbance at 143-6th St.. My Dad was out of the hospital by this time and was sitting at the table. l went over to him and told him that sister one had called the police on me. I could tell by his facial expressions that he ...knew what was going on and he was hurt. She immediately came over and said "Why did you tell him?"

My mom was scared and sister one continued to whisper in her ear. She left as I was sitting there waiting for the police. They never came. I ask you, would you just keep quiet as you found these things out? Sister one quickly gained control of my Dads assets. She sent out one financial notice stating that if you dont l...ike what is done then its just to bad. As I understand it, if sister one can not conduct her duties then it goes to her daughter. How wrong is this?

My Dad was a kind and generous man, he had orphans he supported in other countries because he was an orphan himself. Sister one changed the will to meet her needs, influenced my mom to sign it and we have no say so. What would you do? If your sister, did this? No, I will no longer keep quiet. This is what my sister one has done to my Dad. Until tomorrow...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another Close Call Dad....

Dear Dad,

Thank you for inspiring me to call mom. If I had not called her, she could have died in her bedroom like Aunt Toni. As you know, my sisters have locked me out of the house. I have no key for an emergency just like this. They knew this but took the chance just so I could not be in your house. Anyway they can hurt me, they will. In the end they will hurt Mom in their behavior. Hopefully, you can watch Mom and protect her from them.

As you know she was abandon in an airport and became lost. They were told not to do this but they did it anyway. No apologies were offered by either of them for their actions. They never do. They expect it to remain quiet and family members to keep their comments to themselves.

Also, Mom returned from Alabama and announced at the Christmas Party how dissappointed she was with those in Alabama. She stated aloud that they had lost their faith and their children had still not been babtised. She was very hurt by the visit. She mentioned to me that while she was watching her Catholic station that she was questioned why she was watchining this station in her house.

I ask you Dad, how can this woman eulogy my mother. Where will she get the gull and nerve to stand before God and represent all of my mothers goodness. A woman who refuses to say a rosary for you and mom. This woman will parade her self and her grandchildren on the altar and mock you.

Dad, I told to keep my mouth shut and not say anything. Just leave it in Gods hands as one would say it. Pretend nothing is happening. Sort of like, physical or verbal abuse, or alcholism, just ignore that it is happening. But no Dad, I will not keep quiet. We have been robbed by these two sisters of everything you represented. All your goodness. It is truly sad....

Your Son

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Second Anniversary of Dad's Passing..."Have Faith in God... Look upon each other as brothers and sisters, equals and unidos, a family of families.

The Terronez Family will be honoring the memory of Rosendo I Terronez with a rosary and dinner at Rosendo and Gloria Terronez's home. A prayer for Dad will be at cemetary at 6pm, a rosary at 7pm lead by Fr. Alfonso Garcia of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and a tamale dinner following. It will be a peaceful and reflectful time for the family in the memory of their father.

Please bring an offering for the priest in an envelope, your own beverage and desert if desired.

Lyrics | Brave Combo lyrics - Volver, Volver lyrics

My Dad is with My Lord, Jesus...He is so happy to be with him finally. All his suffering his over. He told us to have faith and will also be with him someday.

My Dad wanted for us to look at each other as brothers and sisters, without malice, as equals and unidos as one family, a family of families united. He wanted this more than anything. The Christmas Party we had at Project Now when we sat all together and put him and mom on the head table he said "Just like this, I could stay here forever. We were all together on one table. He loved to see us together. He meant the world to him."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Preparation for your Memorial Day, Dad...


You loved Fall. Raking all those leaves from Mr. Welch's trees. You had so much fun burning all those leaves. I would come up the alley and see you them. You and Gloria raked and burned those leaves together, she remembers. She said after you were done she would make your coffee and both of you would sit in the swing and sing mexican songs. We saw these decorative leaves and knew you would like them. So we decided to put some leaves on your stone. They really are so beautiful and remind us of these memories.

Your loving son,
We have not forgotten you...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

In Remembrance of Dad

In Remembrance of Grandpa Pedro Terrones. He was pioneer who ventured away from his homeland with a dream for a better life...the dream began with him. Please keep him in your prayers on his passing, October 7th, 1970.

Grandpa Pedro had a sad life and made sacrifices so we could have better life. He left his homeland to work on the railroad in Silvis, he was deported in 1929 back to Mexico. After returning, he decided to give up his American-born children to his Sister Maria Sierra so they could have a chance for a better life. He was unable to cross the border again to return to America. He also lost our Grandmother Juana in childbirth at the border. He lived as a widower in Laredo, Mex without his children until he was old. My Dad and I went to Mexico and brought him back with us. He died here in 1970. The family should give a moment of silence for the man that changed our lives, he sacrificed himself so we could have what we have today.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Poem found in Dad's Bible


And if I go, while you're still here,
Know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure,
behind a thin veil you cannot see through,
You will not see me, so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest.
And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart...
I will be there.

50th Wedding Anniversary MIracle


Your 50th Wedding Anniversary Photo with Christs image and the Holy Spirit in the photo. You were truly blessed Dad from God. A house meaning so much to many of us, our home.

Look closely Dad, you can see the image of Christ Face and a Dove in the upper right hand corner of the photograph. I remember how happy you were the day you saw this. To you it was a confirmation of your love for Christ. It was Dad...

Your Loving Son,

So much to save, so much to record, your memories for your grandchildren...


Here is your scapular. I would always see you wearing it with your tshirt on. You always told me that you wanted it on in case you died because you believed that you would go to straight to heaven. You had FAITH, Dad and yes Dad you did go to heaven and it was true. Now, I am honored to wear it for you and wait for the day I will be with you.

It is just another piece of you Dad that lives did not want to be forgotten and you did not want your lessons that you taught us forgotten. It is too bad that all did not learn all that you taught, especially "RESPECT" for one another. Like you said, do not hate them, pray for them...

Forever your loving son,

Important Dates in my Dad's Life

1891- November 22nd, Grandpa Pedro is born in Leon, Gto, Mexico

1894- March 30, Grandma Juana is born in Leon, Gto. Mexico

1920-December 30th, Uncle Manuel is born in Silvis Yards.

1922-March 15th, Uncle Ray is born in Silvis Yards.

1923-November 1st, Aunt Victoria is born in Silvis Yards.

1925-March 1st - Dad, Rosendo I. is born to Pedro and Juana Terrones in boxcar 4 in the Silvis Yards

1925- November 22nd- Cecelia Gamino is born in Silvis Yards.

1926- September 25th- Aunt Marie is born in Silvis Yards.

1928- June 21st - Uncle Louis is born in Silvis Yards.

1929 - Grandpa Pedro moves his family to 2nd Street, Silvis in a cement block house. His friends told him that it was going to crash in on him.

1930- Grandpa Pedro receives letter that he is being deported and must leave the US. He packs up a Model T with his family and returns to Leon, Gto. Mexico. He leaves to Laredo, Mexico.

1930- Son born to Pedro and Juana in Laredo, Mexico name is Joseph. Mother, Juana also dies few days after delivery.

1931- Grandpa Pedro decides to return to America, he arrives to Laredo, Mexico and Grandma Juana dies in giving birth to another child, both mother and child die.

1931-Children of Pedro and Juana Terrones return to Silvis, Ill to live with Maria and Simon Sierra, except Manuel Terronez.

1932? - Children of Pedro Terrones start to attend St Annes School. Children had to walk the entire distance to St Annes everyday for 10 years. Children are used as house servants in Simon and Maria Sierras home.

1941- Rosendo Terronez graduates from St.Annes at the age of 16 years.

1945- Rosendo Terronez graduates from East Moline High School at 20 years of age.

194?- Dad works for Plantation in Moline, Il as busboy.

194?- Dad works for Rock Island Railroad

1945- September 24th, Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez marry in Peoria, Illinois.

1945- Dad starts working at John Deere Harvestor, works in Foundry many years, losing his hearing as a result of the noise from hammers.

1946- April 19th, Pomposa Gamino dies from heart attack, Mom is in the hospital. She is unable to attend funeral.

1946- April 22nd, baby girl, Celia, is born to Rosendo and Cecelia.

1947- June 1st, Olivia June Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1950- January 11th, Rosendo M. Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1951- April 21, Celestine Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1952- Grandpa Pedro Terrones crosses the border in Laredo, Mexico. Age 60 years old. Destination - unknown.

1953- September 6th, Raymond Louis Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez.

1956- January 21st, Lydia Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1957- November 29th, Lillian Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1961- January 30th, Seferino Terronez is born to Rosendo and Cecelia Terronez

1972- May 5th, Seferino Gamino, father of Cecelia Terronez, death in Silvis, Illinois

1983- September 1st, Rosendo I Terronez retirees from John Deere Harvester after 38 years, he worked in the Foundry for 36years and in parts for 2 years. He retired at the age of 57 years.

Early Photograph of Mom and Dad 1945?


Mom says the first time she met you was when you were sledding in the snow...

Your loving son,

Important Dates in October...

October 3, 1968 Richard Fetterer Birthday
October 5th, 1984 Erica Rivera Birthday
October 7th, 1970 Grandpa Pedro Terrones Passing, Dads father
October 10th, 1977 Dr. Andy Joe Malcolm Birthday
October 19th, 1983 Passing Anniversary of Victoria Polzin, Dads Sister

Happy 64th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Dad and Mom,

Sorry I forgot your 64th Wedding Anniversary, September 24th, 1945. Happy Anniversary. You graduated in May of 45 and you and mom got married in Peoria, Il in September. I am busy writing a short history of you and trying to figure out all these dates and places so that they are not forgotten.

Your Loving Son,

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Here is your Dad's Rosary, that you gave him. It was his favorite."


Here is the rosary I bought you in San Antonio, Texas when we went together to see the Alamo. Do you remember? You told me so much about the Alamo. We went to most of the missions and looked at them all. Dad, I really enjoyed the time we had together there. Our interests are so much the same.

I know you used this rosary so much. Mom told me "Here is your Dad's rosary that you gave him in Texas, it was his favorite." I feel you close to me when I use it Dad. I can see the beads where they are worn down from your fingers. I am so happy I have your rosary, Dad. I am sorry I can not visit you in your home and pray your rosary in the kitchen with you. Your daughters do not realize the many meanings a son and father have after he is gone. The last time we said the rosary together was in the kitchen, do you remember? You lead us in the rosary. It was so beautiful they way you said it. You dedicated the rosary to Ti and I do not why? Mom was with us too, the three of us.

Forever Your loving Son,

Do Not Cry....


I try not to cry, but I miss you so much. You were the light that lit up my life, I realize that now more than ever Dad. Nothing seems to fill that emptiness, Dad. Your day when you were called is coming up and I will remember you Dad with respect.

I miss you so much Dad.....if I could have only one more minute with you.

Forever your loving Son,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr. Rosendo I. Terronez

Dad's Last Poem


You talk about fishing, fishing for things that you want in life. And for those who fish who dont pray to our Lord first will not get what they want. They come back empty handed, no fish. Yes, we must ask and pray. Having faith in the Lord. You had so much Faith, Dad. All you went through, losing your mother and father, but you still did not lose your faith. Not all in the family follow this path Dad. They lose something and lost their faith. Of course, that is the road they choose to follow. It is the road they followed in the past and they continue to follow to this day.

I see you struggled to write this poem with your sickness and the heavy medication you were on. Your handwriting is so different. But you had faith and you got it down on paper. It is my job to publish your poem so that all can hear your voice, not all will listen.

Forever your loving son,
My Dad loved the Virgin de Guadalupe. He made several trips to Mexico to visit the Basilicas. I am very fortunate to accompany him on his trips. I have many fond memories of our trips. He would always mention in his letters about praying to the Virgin for protection. I dedicate this blog to the Virgin and my Dad.

In all his letters he always wrote "Your Loving Father" is a Rose for you Dad. A rose grown in my garden an held by your military soldier, Lt. Lyle Bushong.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica in Mexico City

Dad and I visited this basilica. It is the newer of the two churches. Years ago in the 60's we visited the older basilica. Inside the church is the original mantle of the Virgin. Dad loved visiting the church. He felt so good being there in the temple of Mary. We walked all over the grounds of the complex.

Dad and I visited Cristo Rey in Guanajuato

Our family relatives in Leon, took us to Cristo Rey. It was a beautiful church on a mountain top. I remember we ran out of gas going up the mountain. No one stressed out, people brought us gas so we could make it to the top. I remember Dad loved it there. He sat and prayed and then we went out to the ledge to look over the valley. He said if I looked hard enough I would see the sign of the cross in the valley. I hope to make a return trip someday to this church.

Dad's beginnings...

Dad's life began in a boxcar in the Silvis yards. He life would take him to a dirt street called 2nd Street, then to the Barrio de San Miguel, Leon, Gto, then to Laredo, Mexico where he lost his mother during childbirth, then back to Silvis to live with his Aunt Mary Sierra on 1st Ave., then living in various homes until he married Cecelia Gamino. They lived in his father in law's house, Seferino Gamino, until they moved to our home, 143-6th St., in Silvis.

Boxcar House similar to the birthplace for Mom and Dad. Boxcar numbers are listed on birth certificate. Dads was Boxcar no. 4. This is the birthplace of our family, in a boxcar in the Silvis RR Yards in 1925. Boxcars were made of wood, not metal like modern day boxcars. They were very cold and usually had a pot belly stove in them for heat. Children would pick up coal along the side of the tracks for the stoves. Nina Vic and I walked one day back in the yards, looking for anything remaining. It was very cold and she was all bundled up. She was looking for anything that remained her of her past. In 1929, Grandpa Pedro and Grandma Juana moved out of the yards to a cement block house on 2nd Street, Silvis. I have photos of it. It no longer exists. It was directly across the Hero Street Park.

Dad's Baby Picture

It is amazing this photograph even exists. Taken in 1926 in the Silvis Yards with a camera. Cameras were extremely rare in the yards. Usually only hired photographers had them to photograph big social events. It is also amazing that it has survived all these years, including trips to Mexico and back. This small baby made such an impact on our lives, our father.

Dad's Mother, Juana Terrones and Father, Pedro Terrones

Dad's parents immigrated from Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico in 1917. They found work and housing in the Silvis Rock Island Yards. They were involved in the development of the mexican community, moving to 2nd Street, now Hero Street, USA. They built the only cement block house on 2nd street. In 1929, they and all their American born children were deported back to Mexico during the depression. Grandpa Pedro sold his house and loaded a Model T and drove back to Leon, Mexico.

Dad, Ray and I went looking for Grandpa in Laredo, Mexico in the '60's. We looked and looked for him. We finally parked the car and waited. Here comes down the street an old mexican man with his cart and donkey. Dad said "there's my Dad". It was a wonderful reunion after all these years. We stayed with him for several days in Leon, Gto. a time I will never forget. A time with my Dad.

Dad and I visited Leon, Gto and saw these sites.

Trips to Leon, Gto. with Dad and Aunt Marie

I was so lucky to go with Aunt Marie and Dad to Leon, Gto. to visit relatives there. Dad always told me to maintain contact with relatives there. He wanted this maintained so we would not lose our connection with the past. He wrote to his Aunt Lucita Zermeno his entire life. We went and visited her many times. I have all these memories of the good times we had down in Mexico. I will never forget them Dad.

Brother and Sister Couple

Dad, Mom, Aunt Marie and Uncle Hank. Aunt Marie loved my Dad very much. She said the best brother anyone could ever have.

Dad's Homemade Christmas Card from the Family

A beautiful Christmas Card from Mom and Dad to me, he includes all his children. It is in his very own handwriting.

Dad's Growing Family

We had to have the TV come out in the picture. We were so proud we had one.